How to Choose The Right Technology Partner For Your MVP?
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How to Choose The Right Technology Partner For Your MVP?

Updated: Oct 10, 2022

As a startup, you must have the right technology partner. This blog will talk about what an MVP ( minimum viable product ) is, why you need one, and what are the critical elements of an MVP. Furthermore, this blog will discuss different technology partners and how to choose the right one for your project. By doing so, you will be on the right track to building successful products for your business.

What is an MVP?

MVP means Minimum Viable Product, defined as the first version of a new product or service designed to achieve a specific goal. An MVP is usually the most straightforward form of the finished product that has the potential to gain early traction.

Typically, startups launch a minimum viable product to a few possible customers, such as early adopters, who have just enough features to deploy it effectively. Customers like these are more accommodating, more likely to give feedback, and grasp the product's vision from an early prototype. MVPs are essential to the Lean Startup methodology, designed to test business hypotheses. It aims to maximize information about customers with the least amount of money spent to avoid building products that customers don't want. A vital principle of the Lean Startup methodology is validated learning.

Why do you need an MVP?

There are many reasons why you might want to create an MVP. Maybe you're planning to test whether there's enough interest in your idea before launching a full-blown product & marketing campaign or creating a detailed specification document. Or maybe you don't have the resources right now to build something more complex, but you want to figure out whether people are interested in your idea.

Several reasons have been cited as contributing to startups' failure, according to a report by CB Insights. The number one reason 42% of startups fail is that there is no market need for the product they are building - almost half of the startups that fail failed because the market didn't need the product they were building which could have been avoided if they built the MVP and weighed the market response.

The critical element of an MVP is that it requires very little investment on your part. You don't need to create a complete product or service yet—just the bare minimum necessary to test whether people are interested and see if there's potential for this idea.

Types of technology partners:

When choosing a technology partner, you'll first need to decide which type of partner is best for your project--developer, system integrator (SI), or vendor.

Here's a brief overview of each type: Developer: A developer is someone who can create the software from scratch. They're in charge of developing the code for your product or service, and they may also be able to help you test it before launch.

When choosing a technology partner for your MVP, there are three main types to consider. These include software, web development, and marketing/sales teams. As a startup, it's important to research the different types of partners and make a decision that's best for your project. Do your research and consult with friends before deciding, so you don't choose the wrong type of partner. If you choose the wrong partner, it can slow down your projects or add unnecessary costs. Make sure you choose a partner who is compatible with the project you're working on and who will be able to help you achieve your goals swiftly and efficiently.

System integrator (SI):

A system integrator is a company that helps you connect different pieces of technology--from servers to databases--to create a complete solution. They can also provide support after your product goes live.


A vendor provides products and services independently, without involvement from other partners such as developers or SI's. Vendors are often better suited for projects that require complex systems integrations or custom software development.

Why do businesses need an MVP?

An MVP can help you determine the interest in your idea and whether there's potential for further development. It also allows you to test the viability of your product or service before committing too much time and resources to it.

How do I create an MVP?

The key to creating an MVP is making it as minimalistic as possible. You don't need a complete product or service yet--just enough to test whether people are interested and see if there's potential for this idea onward. Here are some tips:

1) Start with a clear goal:

What do you want your MVP to accomplish? Once you have a plan, start writing code to achieve that goal. By doing this, you will be able to focus your efforts and ensure that your code is as effective as possible.

2) Test early and often:

Don't spend too much time on the details of your product or service—just focus on ensuring it works. Test it with potential customers early in development, and continue to test it throughout the process. It will prevent you from missing any significant flaws before launch.

3) Use a Lean Startup Methodology:

A Lean Startup methodology is helpful when creating an MVP because it emphasizes quick iterations and testing along the way. In this way, you can avoid wasting resources and time on features that are unlikely to be used or popular.

4) Keep it simple:

While creating your MVP, keep your product design simple; that is the key to user experience. Don't try to build too much at once. Start with the basics, and add further features as you learn more about what people want. Spending a lot of time on features that do not matter or are difficult to implement will save you time and energy. A startup should focus on its core utility while developing its MVP rather than trying to build too many features. In this way, the product can be launched in a shorter period of time, and without burning through too much money, which will allow it to launch sooner. The focus should be on discovering market sentiment, improving the product, and determining the most sought-after features to be built in the upcoming phases.

Choosing the right technology partner for your MVP is essential for a successful outcome. Before you begin any negotiations, make sure to do your research. If you do this, you will be able to identify the perfect partner for your specific needs and avoid complications. Most businesses start minor and don't have the resources to develop an entire product. By working with an experienced technology partner, companies can reduce risk and make better decisions about their future product roadmap. Additionally, an MVP allows companies to understand what their customers want before investing more time and money in development. By choosing the right partner, you can avoid potential startup headaches and get your product to market faster!

Things to know for MVP
Things to know for MVP

4 Key elements in an MVP

It can be tough choosing the right technology partner for your MVP. Here are four key elements to keep in mind when making this decision:- The technology partner must have the resources and experience to help your business achieve its goals. -Make sure the partner meets your needs in terms of the type of technology, experience, and price. -Assess your business needs and figure out what type of technology will work best for your product. Negotiate a good deal with the chosen partner.

1. User research

User research is an essential step in the development of a successful content marketing strategy. As such, you were finding a partner who can provide the necessary tools and resources for your project is essential. Additionally, keep your business goals in mind when selecting this type of partner. After all, not everyone has the same experience or knowledge regarding user research. To ensure you get the best results, always consider whether you need someone who specializes in user research techniques or whether you would be better off outsourcing these tasks to a technology partner. In either case- conducting interviews, surveys and studies- will be essential parts of your overall content marketing plan!

2. Competitive analysis

Staying ahead of the competition is always important by constantly improving your product offerings and technology solutions. Identifying the best technologies for your business is the first step toward improving it. To do so, you will need to conduct a competitive analysis. After choosing a specific technology platform, you must ensure everything runs according to plan - from project timelines to budgeting and launching the product. It would also be handy if the chosen partner had to experience developing effects on this specific software or hardware configuration type.

3. Adaptability

It is essential to have a partner who not only possesses the latest and most excellent technology tools but also has the ability to adapt to your changing needs. This way, you can be assured of always having access to the right software. Furthermore, it's vital that communication between you and your technology partner is smooth-sailing so there are no unpleasant surprises along the way! Technology constantly evolves - which means that your technological partner should too. They need to be able to keep up with new trends to help you save time and money on development work. In addition, they must be willing to collaborate with you on creating an MVP ( minimum viable product ) prototype that meets your specific needs and requirements early on in any project collaboration.

4. Runway

It's essential to find the perfect runway partner for your new startup. Make sure you choose a technology partner who is experienced in this area so that both of you can benefit from the project successfully. They must be able to work collaboratively, possess the necessary skills and expertise, and be flexible in order to help you reach your goals. It is also crucial to assess their capabilities before signing a contract or agreeing upon any payments - otherwise, you may end up wasting valuable time and money on something that isn't viable.

What comes first: the funding or the MVP phase?

A U.S. Bank study has found that a staggering 82% of businesses that failed in 2018 were cited a cash flow problem as a factor for their failure as cited by their investors. When choosing a technology partner for your MVP, it's essential to consider what comes first - the funding or the MVP phase. Having a solid MVP in place is necessary if you're looking for funding. Conversely, building your budget is key if you're planning to launch your product without outside help. Make sure to choose a partner who is experienced in the market you're targeting and has the resources and team to help you reach your product goals. Ultimately, the most important thing is to ensure your project goals are met - no matter what stage the project is in!

How to choose the right technology partner for your project?

Technology projects can be daunting, but the process can be much smoother with the right partner by your side. When choosing a technology partner for your MVP, it's essential to establish timelines for each stage of the project. Make sure everyone is on the same page, and avoid surprises by agreeing to mutually exclusive terms and conditions. Additionally, research the company thoroughly before selecting them. In this way, you will be able to identify their strengths and weaknesses and determine if they are a good fit for your project. Once you have selected a potential partner, it's essential to identify the needs of your business. Your technology partner should be able to meet those needs. And finally, make sure to get a signed agreement in place so there are no surprises during the project phase!

Why documentation and user flow are as critical as choosing the vendor?

Documentation and user flow are as critical as choosing the technology vendor while creating a minimum viable product. The reason is that these are the first things users will see, so they can influence whether or not the product is worth continuing to use. Few technology vendors has no say in this; they just provide their products and leave it up to you to decide if they're worth using.

At Techovarya we consider that documentation is critical because it shows your team how to use the product—what features it has, what information needs to be provided before they can access those features, etc. It also helps them understand what your clients need from each feature, so you don't waste time trying to explain something that's already written into your product's codebase. Once the client software has been installed or updated, team members can quickly return to work as soon as they have installed the software.

The user flow is also important because it guides users through using each app feature from the least complex (the most basic functionality) to the most complex (the most advanced functionality). The goal is to make sure that everyone understands where everything falls within the structure of your product and to give them a roadmap for how they should interface with the product's different features.

Frequently Asked Questions

Is it better to outsource or in-house develop my project's technology platforms?

It's a tough decision, but in the end, it usually comes down to a matter of control. If you outsource your project's tech development, you're relinquishing some of that control. Plus, you may run into problems down the line as your technology partner makes changes without consulting you first. On the other hand, in-house development can be more costly upfront, but it also gives you more of a say in your project's platforms. Developers who work on projects in-house are often more experienced and equipped to handle complex tasks than those who outsource their work. Ultimately, whether or not to outsource or in-house develop your project's tech platforms comes down to personal preference. However, making sure you have all the information you need before making a decision is always a good idea.

What are the common pitfalls that tech partners make during MVP?

The most common pitfalls that tech partners make during MVP are making unrealistic promises and not taking onboard feedback. They may also fail to understand the business and product they're building with their partners. Understanding these key points will make it easier for them to build a successful working relationship with their partners.

Do I need an MVP if the product already exists?

An MVP is a significant part of any project, regardless of whether or not the product already exists. By conducting an MVP, you can gather valuable user feedback and determine if your product is viable before investing more time and money into developing it. Additionally, by launching an MVP early in the development process, you may attract investors interested in seeing how your product will perform in the market. Is it better to outsource development or do it in-house?

Ultimately, the decision of whether or not to outsource or in-house develop your project's tech platforms comes down to personal preference. There is no one answer to this question, as each company will have different needs and preferences when developing its products. However, ensuring you have all the information you need before making a decision is always a good idea.

Are there any drawbacks to using an MVP for startups?

There are a few potential drawbacks to using an MVP for startups. For example, if the product is unstable or not well designed, it may be difficult for users to get meaningful feedback. Additionally, by limiting the number of people who can access your product early in development, you may miss valuable insights and feedback. However, you should avoid these common pitfalls by preparing thoroughly for an MVP before starting it.

What features should be included in a good MVP for startups?

There is no one-size-fits-all answer to this question, as the features that make an MVP effective will vary depending on the product and company. However, some key features you may want to include in your MVP are a user interface, a signup process, and sample content. By providing users with a basic version of your product early on in development, you can gather feedback and determine if any additional changes or adjustments are necessary before launching full-scale. Additionally, by demonstrating how your product works through simple examples (rather than lengthy descriptions), you can encourage potential users to take the plunge and try out your product.

What techstack to be used in building MVP for startups?

When building a product, it's critical to understand your target audience and their needs. Once you've identified that, you can consider which tech stack best suits your product category.

A best-in-class product is designed with the end user in mind. If users have trouble using your product, they'll likely move on to something else. If you want people to keep coming back for more, you must ensure that your users can use your product quickly and effectively.

As a general rule, .net core/node.js and React are used for SaaS products and web portals. Power BI is the first choice for reporting and analytics solutions.. Similarly, SQL, Casandra, and Redshift in AWS/ Azure are the best choice for database and hosting functions.

We recommend using a server-side language like NodeJS or Java for scalable products because of its flexibility and ease of use. As a result, NodeJS and Java are great choices if you need a top-notch product that's easy for everyone, whether it's your mom running a small business or a large multinational corporation! They are scalable and fast enough for small businesses and large enterprises alike!


Choosing the right technology partner for your MVP can be daunting, but with the help of Techovarya, you'll be well on your way. By understanding the critical elements of an MVP and the different types of technology partners available, you'll be able to make an informed decision about who is the best fit for your project. Don't wait any longer - get on a call with our expert and explore how we can help you to create your idea into a product.

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